Sport is one of the few activities that brings people together no matter where you are on the globe. Color, race, language, religion, age and gender are all forgotten on the sporting field, in the pool or on the court.

Many sports organizations, agencies and local churches have long known of the benefit of being involved in sport and serving sports people as a way to build a bridge to connect with their cultures. The sports of basketball and volleyball both were created for this purpose.

In 1985, the International Sports Coalition (ISC) was formed as a partnering body to help the different spheres of sports interests to interact with each other. By doing this each part benefits from the strengths of the other and in turn is built up. The main purposes of the ISC are to:
Network & Establish Partnerships

In 2003 the ISC partners saw the benefit in describing different strategic programs that had emerged out of this sports movement. Some of these programs are:

ACE Strategies Conference (ASC)
Church Sports (CS)
International Sports Leadership Training (ISLT)
Major Sports Events Host Partnership (MSEHP)
Major Sports Event Partnership (MSEP)
Proclamation by Sports People (PSP)
Serving the People of Sport (SPS)
Strategic Regional Coalitions (SRC)
Strategic Sports Partnerships (SSP)

The ISC is an international relational network that is only as strong as the partnerships in the network. The ISC has neither full time staff nor an office. A Facilitation Team provides oversight and is made up of men and women from approximately 20 countries who serve three-year rotating terms.

IpohBUG is affiliated to the International Sports Coalition. In Malaysia the sports partnership among churches and Christian groups are under the umbrella of Malaysia Sports Partnership which is part of the International Sports Coalition. We are doing lots of vision casting among churches and Christian sports people, to encourage them to join us in our endeavour.

Should you know of anyone who would like to know more, feel free to contact us. We would be happy to share more with them.