Natalie Kirchhoff
Swimmer - Rice University, USA
Selected Attribute: Perseverance (Dictionary definition: "Maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles or discouragement; continue steadfastly.")
My definition: "Getting knocked down, but getting back up."
What encourages me to persevere: "The book Chasing Daylight by Erwin McManus. We are going through this book in our swim team Bible study, and it is rocking my life. It talks about making the most of every opportunity and seizing your 'divine moments.' This has fueled and motivated me during the times I've felt down and out."
Favorite Scripture that deals with perseverance: Psalm 119:71 (NASB): "It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes."
Why I chose this passage: "I love that verse because it proves that good comes from hardship, setback and suffering. Although it really stinks, it is usually during the hard times that we truly lean on Jesus and dive into His Word. It is easy to become complacent in our faith and relationship with God when everything is going peachy."
"In this verse the psalmist admits it is good to go through the valley, because only then do we truly learn more about the character of God and who He created us to be. But we can't settle in the valley. God didn't intend for us to live there. He wants to take us higher. We must persevere to push through the setback. Then, on the other side, we, too, will be able to say, 'It was good for me that I was afflicted.'"
How I persevere in life: "Life isn't easy. School isn't easy. Sport isn't easy. Walking with God isn't easy. In my life, I have struggled with sports, relationships, disordered eating, self-esteem, depression and my relationship with Jesus. I have been knocked down and have had to make the decision whether to stay down or get back up. By the grace and power of God, I have chosen the latter. I believe we all get knocked down in one way or another. What matters is that we get back up and get back in the game."
"This summer, I found out I had been misdiagnosed with a thyroid disorder. For 18 months I had taken a medication that worked against my body. That was a huge blow to me. Then I had a friend challenge me to consider it a privilege to go through hardship instead of a curse. And, if I persevered, I would come out better for it on the other side. Although I am still recovering, I can say I have learned to lean on Jesus more than ever and accept the unconditional love He has for me."
How I persevere in sports: "Perseverance is synonymous with sport. I have not had a PR for over two years. Although I have continued to come in and train daily, the times have just not been there. It is frustrating when you put in the work and don't see the results you want. But I have to remind myself to keep on keeping on — to press on toward the true goal. I have to speak God's truth to myself on a daily basis, especially during those times when I feel down and out."